If you write an article about Genealogists for Families for your blog or a print publication, or mention it in a podcast, please email the title/link to Judy (address is in the sidebar). We are grateful for this publicity (links open in a new window):
Adventures in Genealogy
Anglers Rest
Australian Genealogy Journeys
British and Irish Genealogy
British GENES (GEnealogy News and EventS)
Czech Genealogy for Beginners
Diary of an Australian Genealogist
Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter
Family History Across the Seas
Family Tree magazine (UK) news column, December 2011 (Chris Paton)
Family Tree Magazine's blog and podcast
From Helen V Smith's Keyboard
GeneaBlog Awards 2011 (we won 'Best New Community Project')
Geneabloggers Blog Talk Radio
Genealogy - Arts - Tech Blog
Genealogy Blog
Genealogy Leftovers
Gould Genealogy
Inside History magazine, issue 17 and issue 8
iPentimento Genealogy and History
Lone Tester HQ
LostCousins newsletter
Luxegen Genealogy and Family History
Sassy Jane Genealogy
Scottish GENES (GEnealogy News and EventS)
Searching for Roots and Branches
Seeking Susan - Meeting Marie - Finding Family
Tracking Down the Family
Twigs of Yore
Upfront with NGS
We Tree Genealogy Blog
Genealogists for Families is listed in Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet.
Join 'Genealogists for Families' and become part of a team that is making a difference by helping families now and in the future!
In 2011 we won an award for Best New Community Project. Join genealogists worldwide (and our relatives and friends) who have found a simple way to make a big difference.
We enable people without access to traditional banks (including many women) to expand their businesses, educate their children, save for the future and raise themselves out of poverty. Through Kiva, a non-profit organisation working with microfinance institutions, you choose a borrower to support with a loan of just $25. Similar loans by other lenders are combined until the required total is reached. As your money is repaid you can withdraw it or lend it to someone else. Money that is loaned over and over again does more good than a one-time donation. Join 'Genealogists for Families' - together we are making a difference!